§ 54.1-2811. Facility requirements.
A funeral service establishment shall contain a preparation room equippedwith a tile, cement or other waterproof floor, proper drainage andventilation, the necessary instruments and supplies for the preparation andembalming of dead human bodies for burial, transportation or otherdisposition, and separate restroom facilities.
A funeral service establishment having more than one location at which itperforms funeral services shall not be required to maintain more than onepreparation room.
The Board may adopt regulations and classifications to prescribe properdrainage and ventilation and necessary instruments and supplies inpreparation rooms and separate restroom facilities.
(Code 1950, §§ 54-260.39, 54-260.40; 1956, c. 220; 1972, c. 797, § 54-260.73;1974, 164; 1978, c. 849; 1988, c. 765.)