§ 54.1-2904. Biennial renewal of licenses; copies; fee; lapsed licenses;reinstatement; penalties.
A. Every license to practice medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, or podiatrygranted under the provisions of this chapter shall be renewed biennially asprescribed by the Board. The Board shall mail an application for renewal of alicense to every licensee. Failure to receive such an application shall notexcuse any licensee from the requirements of renewal. The person receivingsuch application shall furnish the information requested and return the formto the Board with the prescribed renewal fee. Copies of licenses may beobtained as provided in the Board's regulations.
B. Any licensee who allows his license to lapse by failing to renew thelicense or failing to meet professional activity requirements stipulated inthe regulations may be reinstated by the Board upon submission of evidencesatisfactory to the Board that he is prepared to resume practice in acompetent manner and upon payment of the prescribed fee.
C. Any person practicing medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, or podiatryduring the time his license has lapsed shall be considered an illegalpractitioner and shall be subject to the penalties for violation of thischapter.
(Code 1950, § 54-315.1; 1958, c. 161; 1962, c. 128; 1966, c. 657; 1968, c.674; 1970, c. 69; 1975, c. 508; 1980, c. 157; 1982, c. 606; 1985, c. 303;1988, c. 765; 1996, cc. 937, 980; 2000, c. 688.)