§ 54.1-2912.3. Competency assessments of certain practitioners.
The Board shall require an assessment of the competency of any personlicensed under this chapter on whose behalf three medical malpracticejudgments or medical malpractice settlements of more than $10,000 are paidwithin the most recent 10-year period. The assessment shall be accomplishedin 12 months or less by a program acceptable to the Board. The licensee shallbear all costs of the assessment. The results of the assessment shall bereviewed by the Board and the Board shall determine a plan of correctiveaction or appropriate resolution pursuant to the assessment. The assessment,related documents and the processes shall be governed by the confidentialityprovisions of § 54.1-2400.2 and shall not be admissible into evidence in anymedical malpractice action involving the licensee. The Board shall reportannually to the General Assembly the number of competency assessmentsundertaken.
(2005, cc. 649, 692; 2007, c. 861.)