§ 54.1-2913.1. Acceptance of other examinations.
In lieu of any or all parts of the examinations prescribed by the Board for alicense to practice medicine, osteopathy, podiatry or chiropractic, the Boardmay:
1. Accept a certificate issued by either the National Board for theappropriate branch of the healing arts or a state board prior to 1970attesting the satisfactory completion of an examination given by that boardif, in the opinion of the Board, the substituted examination material issubstantially equivalent to the material for which it is substituted, and thepassing grades are in each instance the equivalent of the grades required tobe made on the corresponding examinations administered by the Board.
2. Accept a certificate issued by a state board during or after 1970attesting to the applicant's satisfactory completion of all requirements topractice medicine, osteopathy, podiatry or chiropractic in that state, if theapplicant has a current and unrestricted license to practice in another stateand a current specialty certificate acceptable to the Board.
(1989, c. 45.)