§ 54.1-2928.1. Restricted volunteer license.
A. The Board may issue a restricted volunteer license to a practitioner ofthe healing arts who:
1. Held an unrestricted license issued by the Virginia Board of Medicine orby a board in another state as a licensee in good standing at the time thelicense expired or became inactive;
2. Is practicing within the limits of his license in accordance withprovisions of § 54.1-106; and
3. Attests to knowledge of the laws and regulations governing his branch ofthe healing arts in Virginia.
B. A person holding a restricted volunteer license under this section shallnot be required to complete continuing education for the first renewal ofsuch a license. Subsequent renewals will require continuing education asspecified by Board regulation.
C. If a practitioner with a restricted volunteer license issued under thissection has not held an active, unrestricted license and been engaged inactive practice within the past four years, he shall only practice hisprofession if a doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine with an active,unrestricted Virginia license reviews the quality of care rendered by thepractitioner with the restricted volunteer license at least every 90 days.
D. Such license may be renewed every two years in accordance with regulationspromulgated by the Board.
E. A practitioner holding a restricted volunteer license issued pursuant tothis section is subject to the provisions of this chapter, the regulationspromulgated under this chapter, and the disciplinary regulations which applyto all such practitioners in Virginia.
F. The application fee and the biennial renewal fee for restricted volunteerlicense under this section shall be no more than one-half the renewal fee foran inactive license in the same branch of the healing arts.
(2006, c. 881.)