§ 54.1-2931. Examinations; passing grade.
A. The examination of candidates for licensure to practice medicine andosteopathy shall be the Federation Licensing Examination, the joint LicensureExamination Sequence prepared by the National Board of Medical Examiners andthe Federation of State Medical Boards, or such other examinations asdetermined by the Board. The minimum passing score shall be determined by theBoard prior to administration of the examination.
B. The examination of candidates for licensure to practice chiropractic shallinclude the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Examinations and suchother examinations as determined by the Board. The minimum passing scoreshall be determined by the Board prior to administration of the examination.
C. The examination of candidates for licensure to practice podiatry shall bethe National Board of Podiatry Examiners Examinations and such otherexaminations as determined by the Board. The minimum passing score shall bedetermined by the Board prior to administration of the examination.
(Code 1950, § 54-297; 1958, c. 161; 1966, c. 657; 1970, c. 69; 1973, c. 529;1978, c. 466; 1982, c. 605; 1985, c. 291; 1988, c. 765; 1990, c. 818.)