§ 54.1-2937. Temporary licenses to interns and residents in hospitals andother organizations.
Upon recommendation by the chief of an approved internship or residencyprogram as defined in this chapter, the Board may issue a temporary annuallicense to practice medicine, osteopathic medicine, podiatry or chiropracticto interns and residents in such programs. No such license shall be issued toan intern or resident who has not completed successfully the preliminaryacademic education required for admission to examinations given by the Boardin his particular field of practice. Such license shall expire upon theholder's withdrawal or termination from the internship or residency program.The Board may prescribe such regulations not in conflict with existing lawand require such reports from hospitals or other organizations operating anapproved graduate medical education program in the Commonwealth as may benecessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
(1986, c. 307, § 54-311.3; 1987, c. 44; 1988, c. 765.)