§ 54.1-2951.3. Restricted volunteer license for certain physician assistants.
A. The Board may issue a restricted volunteer license to a physicianassistant who meets the qualifications for licensure for physicianassistants. The Board may refuse issuance of licensure pursuant to §54.1-2915.
B. A person holding a restricted volunteer license under this section shall:
1. Only practice in public health or community free clinics approved by theBoard;
2. Only treat patients who have no insurance or who are not eligible forfinancial assistance for medical care; and
3. Not receive remuneration directly or indirectly for practicing as aphysician assistant.
C. A physician assistant with a restricted volunteer license issued underthis section shall only practice as a physician assistant and perform certaindelegated acts which constitute the practice of medicine to the extent and inthe manner authorized by the Board if:
1. A physician who supervises physician assistants is available; or
2. The physician supervising any physician assistant periodically reviews therelevant patient records.
D. A restricted volunteer license granted pursuant to this section shall beissued to the physician assistant without charge, shall expire twelve monthsfrom the date of issuance, and may be renewed annually in accordance withregulations promulgated by the Board.
E. A physician assistant holding a restricted volunteer license issuedpursuant to this section is subject to the provisions of this chapter and theregulations promulgated under this chapter unless otherwise provided for inthis section.
(1998, c. 319; 2005, c. 163.)