§ 54.1-2953. Renewal, revocation, suspension and refusal.
The approval of the Board for the employment of an assistant shall expire atthe end of one year. A new application shall be submitted for approval,supplying such information as the Board may require, at the time and in themanner prescribed by the Board.
The Board may revoke, suspend or refuse to renew an approval for any of thefollowing:
1. Any reason stated in this chapter for revocation or suspension of thelicense of a practitioner;
2. Failure of the supervising licensee to supervise the assistant or failureof the employer to provide a licensee to supervise the assistant;
3. The assistant's engaging in acts beyond the scope of authority as approvedby the Board;
4. Negligence or incompetence on the part of the assistant or the supervisinglicensee in his use of the assistant;
5. Violating or cooperating with others in violating any provision of thischapter or the regulations of the Board; or
6. A change in the Board's requirements for approval with which the assistantor the licensee does not comply.
(1973, c. 529, §§ 54-281.8, 54-281.9; 1985, c. 316; 1988, c. 765.)