§ 54.1-2954.1. Powers of Board concerning respiratory care.
The Board shall take such actions as may be necessary to ensure thecompetence and integrity of any person who claims to be a respiratory carepractitioner or who holds himself out to the public as a respiratory carepractitioner or who engages in the practice of respiratory care and to thatend the Board shall license persons as respiratory care practitioners. Theprovisions hereof shall not prevent or prohibit other persons licensedpursuant to this chapter from continuing to practice respiratory care whensuch practice is in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Board.
The Board shall establish requirements for the supervised, structurededucation of respiratory care practitioners, including preclinical, didacticand laboratory, and clinical activities, and an examination to evaluatecompetency. All such training programs shall be approved by the Board.
(1990, c. 920; 1998, c. 557.)