§ 54.1-2956.11. Advisory Board on Acupuncture; composition; appointment.
The Advisory Board on Acupuncture, hereinafter referred to as the "AdvisoryBoard," shall assist the Board of Medicine in carrying out the provisions ofthis chapter regarding the qualifications, examination, licensure, andregulation of acupuncturists. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed toauthorize the Advisory Board to advise the Board of Medicine in matterspertaining to the regulations of doctors of medicine, osteopathy,chiropractic, or podiatry who are qualified by such regulations to practiceacupuncture.
The Advisory Board shall consist of five members to be appointed by theGovernor for four-year terms. Three members shall be licensed acupuncturistswho have been practicing in Virginia for not less than three years. Onemember shall be a doctor of medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic or podiatrywho is qualified to practice acupuncture in Virginia, and one member shall bea citizen member appointed from the Commonwealth at large. Any vacancyoccurring during a member's term shall be filled for the unexpired balance ofthat term. No person shall be eligible to serve on the Advisory Board formore than two successive terms.
(1991, c. 643; 1993, c. 753; 2000, c. 814; 2002, c. 698; 2003, c. 512.)