§ 54.1-2956.4. Advisory Board of Occupational Therapy; powers.
The Advisory Board shall, under the authority of the Board:
1. Recommend to the Board, for its promulgation into regulation, the criteriafor licensure as an occupational therapist or an occupational therapyassistant and the standards of professional conduct for holders of licenses.
2. Assess the qualifications of applicants for licensure and recommendlicensure when applicants meet the required criteria. The recommendations ofthe Advisory Board on licensure of applicants shall be presented to theBoard, which shall then issue or deny licenses. Any applicant who isaggrieved by a denial of recommendation on licensure of the Advisory Boardmay appeal to the Board.
3. Receive investigative reports of professional misconduct and unlawful actsand recommend sanctions when appropriate. Any recommendation of sanctionsshall be presented to the Board, which may then impose sanctions or take suchother action as may be warranted by law.
4. Assist in such other matters dealing with occupational therapy as theBoard may in its discretion direct.
(1989, c. 306; 1998, c. 593; 2004, c. 61; 2008, cc. 64, 89.)