§ 54.1-2956.9. Unlawful to practice acupuncture without license; unlawfuldesignation as acupuncturist; Board to regulate acupuncturists.
It shall be unlawful for a person to practice or to hold himself out aspracticing as an acupuncturist unless he holds a license as such issued bythe Board. A person licensed to practice acupuncture, when using the title"acupuncturist," shall include therewith the designation Lic.Ac. or L.Ac.
In addition, it shall be unlawful for any person who is not licensed underthis chapter, whose licensure has been suspended or revoked, or whoselicensure has lapsed and has not been renewed to use in conjunction with hisname the words "licensed acupuncturist" or to otherwise by letters, words,representations, or insignias assert or imply that he is licensed to practiceacupuncture.
The Board of Medicine shall prescribe by regulation the qualificationsgoverning the licensure of acupuncturists. Such regulations shall notrestrict the practice of this profession to practitioners regulated by theBoard on June 30, 1992, to practice the healing arts. The regulations shallat a minimum require that, prior to performing acupuncture, any acupuncturistwho is not licensed to practice medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic orpodiatry shall either (i) obtain written documentation that the patient hadreceived a diagnostic examination from a licensed practitioner of medicine,osteopathy, chiropractic or podiatry with regard to the ailment or conditionto be treated or (ii) provide to the patient a written recommendation forsuch a diagnostic examination. The regulations may include requirements forapproved education programs, experience, and examinations. The regulationsshall exempt from the requirement for Test of Spoken English (TSE) or theTest of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) any foreign speakingacupuncturist who speaks the language of the majority of his clients.
(1991, c. 643; 1993, c. 753; 1996, c. 470; 1999, c. 779; 2000, c. 814.)