§ 54.1-2957.5. Advisory Board on Athletic Training established; duties;composition; appointment; terms.
A. The Advisory Board on Athletic Training shall assist the Board informulating its requirements for the licensure of athletic trainers. In theexercise of this responsibility, the Advisory Board shall recommend to theBoard the criteria for licensure of athletic trainers and the standards ofprofessional conduct for licensees. The Advisory Board shall also assist insuch other matters relating to the practice of athletic training as the Boardmay require.
B. The Advisory Board shall consist of five members appointed by the Governorfor four-year terms. The first appointments shall provide for staggered termswith two members being appointed for a two-year term, two members beingappointed for a three-year term and one member being appointed for afour-year term. Three members shall be at the time of appointment athletictrainers who are currently licensed by the Board and who have practiced inVirginia for not less than three years, including one athletic trainerpracticing at a secondary school, one practicing at an institution of highereducation, and one practicing in a nonacademic environment. One member shallbe a physician licensed to practice medicine in the Commonwealth and onemember shall be a citizen appointed by the Governor from the Commonwealth atlarge.
Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for theunexpired term. No person shall be eligible to serve on the Advisory Boardfor more than two full consecutive terms.
(1999, cc. 639, 682, 747; 2001, c. 61; 2004, c. 669.)