§ 54.1-2971.01. Prescription in excess of recommended dosage in certain cases.
A. Consistent with § 54.1-3408.1, a physician may prescribe a dosage of apain-relieving agent in excess of the recommended dosage upon certifying themedical necessity for the excess dosage in the patient's medical record. Anypractitioner who prescribes, dispenses or administers an excess dosage inaccordance with this section and § 54.1-3408.1 shall not be in violation ofthe provisions of this title because of such excess dosage, if such excessdosage is prescribed, dispensed or administered in good faith for recognizedmedicinal or therapeutic purposes.
B. The Board of Medicine shall advise physicians of the provisions of thissection and § 54.1-3408.1.
(1995, c. 277.)