§ 54.1-2983.1. Participation in health care research.
An advance directive may authorize an agent to approve participation by thedeclarant in any health care study approved by an institutional review boardpursuant to applicable federal regulations, or by a research review committeepursuant to Chapter 5.1 (§ 32.1-162.16 et seq.) of Title 32.1 that offers theprospect of direct therapeutic benefit to the declarant. An advance directivemay also authorize an agent to approve participation by the declarant in anyhealth care study approved by an institutional review board pursuant toapplicable federal regulations, or by a research review committee pursuant toChapter 5.1 (§ 32.1-162.16 et seq.) of Title 32.1 that aims to increasescientific understanding of any condition that the declarant may have orotherwise to promote human well-being, even though it offers no prospect ofdirect benefit to the patient.
(2009, cc. 211, 268.)