§ 54.1-2985.1. Injunction; court-ordered health care.
A. On petition of any person to the circuit court of the county or city inwhich any patient resides or is located for whom health care will be or iscurrently being provided, continued, withheld, or withdrawn pursuant to thisarticle, the court may enjoin such action upon finding by a preponderance ofthe evidence that the action is not lawfully authorized by this article or byother state or federal law.
B. Nothing in this article shall limit the ability of any person to petitionand obtain a court order for health care, including mental health treatmentauthorized by Chapter 8 (§ 37.2-800 et seq.) of Title 37.2, of any patientpursuant to any other existing law in the Commonwealth.
(2009, cc. 211, 268.)