§ 54.1-2992. Preservation of existing rights.
The provisions of this article are cumulative with existing law and shall notbe construed to modify an individual's right to consent or refuse to consentto medical treatment if he is capable of making an informed decision, or toalter or limit the authority that otherwise exists under the common law,statutes or regulations of the Commonwealth (i) of a health care provider toprovide health care; or (ii) of a person's agent, guardian or other legallyauthorized representative to make decisions on behalf of a person who isincapable of making an informed decision. The provisions of this articleshall not impair any existing rights or responsibilities which a health careprovider, a patient, including a minor or incapacitated patient, or apatient's family may have in regard to the providing, continuing, withholdingor withdrawal of life-prolonging medical procedures under the common law orstatutes of the Commonwealth; however, this section shall not be construed toauthorize violations of § 54.1-2990.
(1983, c. 532, § 54-325.8:12; 1988, c. 765; 1992, cc. 748, 772; 1997, c. 801;2000, cc. 590, 598; 2009, cc. 211, 268.)