§ 54.1-3002. Board of Nursing; membership; terms; meetings; quorum;administrative officer.
The Board of Nursing shall consist of thirteen members as follows: sevenregistered nurses, at least one of whom is a licensed nurse practitioner;three licensed practical nurses and three citizen members. The terms ofoffice of the Board shall be four years.
The Board shall meet each January and shall elect from its membership apresident, vice-president and a secretary. It may hold such other meetings asmay be necessary to perform its duties. A majority of the Board including oneof its officers shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at anymeeting. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the administrativeofficer upon written request of two members.
The Board shall have an administrative officer who shall be a registerednurse.
(Code 1950, §§ 54-327, 54-328, 54-336, 54-341, 54-342; 1960, c. 61; 1968, c.337, § 54-367.12; 1970, c. 116, § 54-367.10; 1975, c. 106, §§ 54-367.3,54-367.4; 1979, c. 5; 1980, c. 728; 1982, c. 598; 1986, c. 464; 1988, c. 765;1993, c. 404; 2008, c. 34.)