§ 54.1-3007. Refusal, revocation or suspension, censure or probation.
The Board may refuse to admit a candidate to any examination, refuse to issuea license, certificate, or registration to any applicant and may suspend anylicense, certificate, registration, or multistate licensure privilege for astated period or indefinitely, or revoke any license, certificate,registration, or multistate licensure privilege, or censure or reprimand anylicensee, certificate holder, registrant, or multistate licensure privilegeholder, or place him on probation for such time as it may designate for anyof the following causes:
1. Fraud or deceit in procuring or attempting to procure a license,certificate, or registration;
2. Unprofessional conduct;
3. Willful or repeated violation of any of the provisions of this chapter;
4. Conviction of any felony or any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;
5. Practicing in a manner contrary to the standards of ethics or in such amanner as to make his practice a danger to the health and welfare of patientsor to the public;
6. Use of alcohol or drugs to the extent that such use renders him unsafe topractice, or any mental or physical illness rendering him unsafe to practice;
7. The denial, revocation, suspension or restriction of a license,certificate, registration, or multistate licensure privilege to practice inanother state, the District of Columbia or a United States possession orterritory; or
8. Abuse, negligent practice, or misappropriation of a patient's orresident's property.
(Code 1950, § 54-353; 1970, c. 116; 1979, c. 5, § 54-367.32; 1982, c. 598;1988, c. 765; 1989, c. 278; 2003, c. 249; 2005, cc. 610, 924.)