§ 54.1-3011.2. Nursing Scholarship and Loan Repayment Fund.
A. There is hereby established the Nursing Scholarship and Loan RepaymentFund for the purpose of financing scholarships for (i) part-time andfull-time students enrolled in or accepted for enrollment by nursing programswhich will prepare such students, upon completion, for examination to belicensed by the Board as practical nurses or registered nurses and (ii) thoseregistered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nurse aides whoagree to perform a period of nursing service in a Commonwealth long-term carefacility pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Board of Health incooperation with the Board.
B. The Fund shall be administered by the Board, in cooperation with theDirector of the Department, and the scholarships shall be administered andawarded by the Board of Health pursuant to § 32.1-122.6:01. The Fund shall bemaintained and administered separately from any other program or funds of theBoard and the Department of Health Professions. No portion of the Fund shallbe used for a purpose other than that described in this section and §32.1-122.6:01. Any money remaining in the Fund at the end of a biennium,including amounts repaid by award recipients, and any interest thereon, shallnot revert to the general fund or the funds of the Department of HealthProfessions, but shall remain in the Fund to be used only for the purposes ofthis section. In addition to any licensure fees that may be collectedpursuant to § 54.1-3011.1, the Fund shall also include:
1. Any funds appropriated by the General Assembly for the purposes of theFund; and
2. Any gifts, grants, or bequests received from any private person ororganization.
Upon receiving the names of the scholarship and loan repayment programrecipients from the Board of Health, the Board of Nursing shall beresponsible for transmitting the funds to the appropriate institution to becredited to the account of the recipient.
(1991, c. 669; 2000, cc. 240, 254; 2001, c. 188; 2002, c. 290.)