§ 54.1-3013. Approval of nursing education program.
An institution desiring to conduct a nursing education program to prepareprofessional or practical nurses or clinical nurse specialists shall apply tothe Board and submit evidence that:
1. It is prepared to meet the minimum standards prescribed by the Board foreither a professional nursing curriculum, a clinical nurse specialistcurriculum or a practical nursing curriculum; and
2. It is prepared to meet such other standards as may be established by lawor by the Board.
A survey of the institution and its entire nursing education program shall bemade by the administrative officer or other authorized employee of the Board,who shall submit a written report of the survey to the Board. If, in theopinion of the Board, the requirements necessary for approval are met, itshall be approved as a nursing education program for professional orpractical nurses or clinical nurse specialists.
New nursing education programs shall not be established or conducted unlessapproved by the Board.
(Code 1950, §§ 54-355, 54-357; 1970, c. 116, §§ 54-367.27, 54-367.29; 1988,c. 765; 1989, c. 7.)