§ 54.1-3029. Qualifications for a certified massage therapist.
A. In order to be certified as a massage therapist, the applicant shallfurnish evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant:
1. Is at least 18 years old;
2. Has successfully completed a minimum of 500 hours of training from amassage therapy program, certified or approved by the State Council of HigherEducation or an agency in another state, the District of Columbia or a UnitedStates territory that approves educational programs, notwithstanding theprovisions of § 23-276.2;
3. Has passed the National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage andBodywork or an exam deemed acceptable to the Board of Nursing leading tonational certification; and
4. Has not committed any acts or omissions that would be grounds fordisciplinary action or denial of certification as set forth in this chapter.
B. The Board may certify any applicant who has been practicing massagetherapy for up to 10 years prior to July 1, 1997, and has completed at least200 hours of training in an education program. Such programs may be, butshall not be required to be, certified or approved by the State Council ofHigher Education or an agency in another state, the District of Columbia or aUnited States territory that approves educational programs, or has been inpractice for 10 years or more prior to July 1, 1997, and has completed 20hours of such training; or has passed the National Certification Exam forTherapeutic Massage and Bodywork prior to 1994.
C. The Board may issue a provisional certification to an applicant prior topassing the National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworkfor such time and in such manner as prescribed by the Board. No more than oneprovisional certification shall be issued to any applicant.
D. The Board may certify without examination any applicant who is licensed orcertified as a massage therapist in another state, the District of Columbia,a United States possession or territory, or another country, and, in theopinion of the Board, meets the requirements for certified massage therapistsin this Commonwealth.
(1996, c. 166; 1997, c. 599; 2004, c. 991.)