§ 54.1-3029.1. Advisory Board on Massage Therapy.
The Advisory Board on Massage Therapy shall assist the Board in carrying outthe provisions of this chapter regarding the qualifications, examination,registration, regulation, and standards of professional conduct of massagetherapists as described in § 54.1-3029. The Advisory Board shall also assistin such other matters relating to the practice of massage therapy as theBoard may require.
The Advisory Board on Massage Therapy shall consist of five members to beappointed by the Governor for four-year terms as follows: three members shallbe certified massage therapists who have practiced in the Commonwealth fornot less than three years prior to their appointment; one shall be anadministrator or faculty member of a nationally accredited school of massagetherapy; and one shall be a citizen member appointed from the Commonwealth atlarge.
The Advisory Board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among itsmembership. The Advisory Board shall meet at least once a year and may holdadditional meetings as necessary to perform its duties. A majority of theBoard shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for theunexpired term. No person shall be eligible to serve on the Advisory Boardfor more than two successive terms.
(2009, c. 534.)