§ 54.1-3042. Application for registration by competency evaluation.
A. Every applicant for registration as a medication aide by competencyevaluation shall pay the required application fee and shall submit writtenevidence that the applicant:
1. Has not committed any act that would be grounds for discipline or denialof registration under this article;
2. Has successfully completed a staff training program in direct careapproved by the Department of Social Services or an approved nurse aideeducation program;
3. Has successfully completed an education or training program approved bythe Board that shall include one of the following:
a. A medication aide education or training program approved by the Board thatshall be 68 hours combined classroom instruction and clinical skills practicecurriculum; or
b. A nursing education program preparing for registered nurse or practicalnurse licensure; and
4. Has successfully completed a competency evaluation consisting of both aclinical evaluation of minimal competency and a written examination asspecified by the Board.
B. The Board shall (i) make the written examination available in bothelectronic and non-electronic format, (ii) provide sufficient locations forthe administration of any written examination required for registration underthis section, to ensure adequate access to the written examination for allapplicants, (iii) establish a procedure pursuant to which an examinationshall be offered at or near the location of an education or training course,upon the request of five or more applicants, provided that the security ofthe examination and the integrity of the administration of the examinationare ensured and that any additional costs are born by the requestingapplicants, and (iv) provide written notice to applicants of the results ofany competency examination completed by the applicants within seven days ofcompletion of the examination.
C. Any applicant under this section who has provided to the Board evidence ofsuccessful completion of the education or training course required forregistration may act as a medication aide on a provisional basis for no morethan 120 days before successfully completing any required competencyevaluation. However, upon notification of failure to successfully completethe written examination after three attempts, an applicant shall immediatelycease acting as a medication aide.
D. Any applicant under this section who shall apply by endorsement from anystate or the District of Columbia that requires registration of medicationaides who has met the requirements of registration in such jurisdiction maybe deemed eligible to sit for the competency evaluation required pursuant tothis section, subject to approval of the Board.
(2005, cc. 610, 924; 2009, cc. 133, 837.)