§ 54.1-3101. Board of Long-Term Care Administrators; terms; officers; quorum;special meetings.
The Board of Long-Term Care Administrators is established as a policy board,within the meaning of § 2.2-2100, in the executive branch of stategovernment. The Board of Long-Term Care Administrators shall consist of ninenonlegislative citizen members to be appointed by the Governor.Nonlegislative citizen members shall be appointed as follows: three who arelicensed nursing home administrators; three who are assisted living facilityadministrators; two who are from professions and institutions concerned withthe care and treatment of chronically ill and elderly or mentally impairedpatients or residents; and one who is a resident of a nursing home orassisted living facility or a family member or guardian of a resident of anursing home or assisted living facility. One of the licensed nursing homeadministrators shall be an administrator of a proprietary nursing home.Nonlegislative citizen members of the Board shall be citizens of theCommonwealth.
After the initial staggering of terms, the terms of Board members shall befour years. Appointments to fill vacancies, other than by expiration of aterm, shall be for the unexpired terms. Vacancies shall be filled in the samemanner as the original appointments. All members may be reappointedconsistent with § 54.1-107.
The Board shall annually elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among itsmembership. Five members of the Board, including one who is not a licensednursing home administrator or assisted living facility administrator, shallconstitute a quorum. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by thechairman upon the written request of any three members.
All members shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expensesincurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and2.2-2825. Funding for the costs of expenses shall be provided by theDepartment of Health Professions.
The Department of Health Professions shall provide staff support to theBoard. All agencies of the Commonwealth shall provide assistance to theBoard, upon request.
The Board shall be authorized to promulgate canons of ethics under which theprofessional activities of persons regulated shall be conducted.
(1970, c. 775, §§ 54-903, 54-907; 1973, c. 379; 1981, c. 447; 1987, c. 686, §54-903.1; 1988, c. 765; 2001, cc. 527, 554; 2005, cc. 610, 924.)