§ 54.1-3305. Board; membership; terms; meetings; quorum; officers.
The Board of Pharmacy shall consist of ten members, as follows: eightlicensed pharmacists who are graduates of an approved school or college ofpharmacy and two citizen members. The terms of office of the members shall befour years.
The Board shall meet at least annually at such times and places, and uponsuch notice as the Board may determine and as its business may require. Amajority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for thetransaction of business.
The Board shall annually elect from its members a chairman.
There shall be an executive director for the Board of Pharmacy who shall belicensed or eligible for licensure in the Commonwealth as a pharmacist.
(Code 1950, §§ 54-404, 54-405, 54-410, 54-412; 1958, c. 551; 1970, c. 650, §§54-524.5, 54-524.11; 1976, c. 614, § 54-524.13; 1986, c. 464, § 54-524.6;1988, cc. 42, 765; 1994, c. 283; 2005, c. 70.)