§ 54.1-3319. Counseling.
A. A pharmacist shall conduct a prospective drug review before each newprescription is dispensed or delivered to a patient or a person acting onbehalf of the patient. Such review shall include screening for potentialdrug therapy problems due to therapeutic duplication, drug-diseasecontraindications, drug-drug interactions, including serious interactionswith nonprescription or over-the-counter drugs, incorrect drug dosage orduration of drug treatment, drug-allergy interactions, and clinical abuse ormisuse. A pharmacist may conduct a prospective drug review before refillinga prescription to the extent the pharmacist deems appropriate in hisprofessional judgment.
B. A pharmacist shall offer to counsel any person who presents a newprescription for filling. The offer to counsel may be made in any manner thepharmacist deems appropriate in his professional judgment, and may includeany one or a combination of the following:
1. Face-to-face communication with the pharmacist or the pharmacist'sdesignee;
2. A sign posted in such a manner that it can be seen by patients;
3. A notation affixed to or written on the bag in which the prescription isto be delivered;
4. A notation contained on the prescription container; or
5. By telephone.
For the purposes of medical assistance and other third-party reimbursement orpayment programs, any of the above methods, or a combination thereof, shallconstitute an acceptable offer to provide counseling, except to the extentthis subsection is inconsistent with regulations promulgated by the federalHealth Care Financing Administration governing 42 U.S.C. § 1396r-8 (g) (2)(A) (ii). A pharmacist may offer to counsel any person who receives a refillof a prescription to the extent deemed appropriate by the pharmacist in hisprofessional judgment.
C. If the offer to counsel is accepted, the pharmacist shall counsel theperson presenting the prescription to the extent the pharmacist deemsappropriate in his professional judgment. Such counseling shall be performedby the pharmacist himself and may, but need not, include the following:
1. The name and description of the medication;
2. The dosage form, dosage, route of administration, and duration of drugtherapy;
3. Special directions and precautions for preparation, administration, anduse by the patient;
4. Common adverse or severe side effects or interactions and therapeuticcontraindications that may be encountered, including their avoidance, and theaction required if they occur;
5. Techniques for self-monitoring drug therapy;
6. Proper storage;
7. Prescription refill information; and
8. Action to be taken in the event of a missed dose.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a pharmacist toprovide counseling when the person presenting the prescription fails toaccept the pharmacist's offer to counsel. If the prescription is deliveredto a person residing outside of the local telephone calling area of thepharmacy, the pharmacist shall either provide a toll-free telephone number oraccept reasonable collect calls from such person.
D. Reasonable efforts shall be made to obtain, record, and maintain thefollowing patient information generated at the individual pharmacy:
1. Name, address, telephone number, date of birth or age, and gender;
2. Individual history where significant, including known allergies and drugreactions, and a comprehensive list of medications and relevant devices; and
3. Any additional comments relevant to the patient's drug use, including anyfailure to accept the pharmacist's offer to counsel.
Such information may be recorded in the patient's manual or electronicprofile, or in the prescription signature log, or in any other system ofrecords and may be considered by the pharmacist in the exercise of hisprofessional judgment concerning both the offer to counsel and content ofcounseling. The absence of any record of a failure to accept thepharmacist's offer to counsel shall be presumed to signify that such offerwas accepted and that such counseling was provided.
E. This section shall not apply to any drug dispensed to an inpatient of ahospital or nursing home, except to the extent required by regulationspromulgated by the federal Health Care Financing Administration implementing42 U.S.C. § 1396r-8 (g) (2) (A).
(1992, c. 689.)