§ 54.1-3320. Acts restricted to pharmacists.
A. Within the practice of pharmacy as defined in § 54.1-3300, the followingacts shall be performed by pharmacists, except as provided in subsection B:
1. The review of a prescription, in conformance with this chapter and Chapter34 (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.) of this title and with current practices inpharmacy, for its completeness, validity, safety, and drug-therapyappropriateness, including, but not limited to, interactions,contraindications, adverse effects, incorrect dosage or duration oftreatment, clinical misuse or abuse, and noncompliance and duplication oftherapy;
2. The receipt of an oral prescription from a practitioner or his authorizedagent;
3. The conduct of a prospective drug review and counseling as required by §54.1-3319 prior to the dispensing or refilling of any prescription;
4. The provision of information to the public or to a practitioner concerningthe therapeutic value and use of drugs in the treatment and prevention ofdisease;
5. The communication with the prescriber, or the prescriber's agent,involving any modification other than refill authorization of a prescriptionor of any drug therapy, resolution of any drug therapy problem, or thesubstitution of any drug prescribed;
6. The verification of the accuracy of a completed prescription prior todispensing the prescription;
7. The supervision of pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians; and
8. Any other activity required by regulation to be performed by a pharmacist.
B. A pharmacy intern may engage in the acts to be performed by a pharmacistas set forth in subsection A or the Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.)for the purpose of obtaining practical experience required for licensure as apharmacist, if the supervising pharmacist is directly monitoring theseactivities.
C. A registered pharmacy technician, working under the direct supervision ofa qualified nuclear pharmacist, as defined by regulations of the Board, mayaccept oral prescriptions for diagnostic, nonpatient specificradiopharmaceuticals in accordance with subsection C of § 54.1-3410.1.
D. Consistent with patient safety, a pharmacist shall exercise sole authorityin determining the maximum number of pharmacy technicians that he shallsupervise; however, no pharmacist shall supervise more pharmacy techniciansthan allowed by Board regulations.
(2001, c. 317; 2005, c. 403; 2006, c. 626; 2010, c. 90.)