§ 54.1-3406. Records confidential.
No agent of the Board or agent designated by the Superintendent of theDepartment of State Police having knowledge by virtue of his office of anyprescriptions, papers, records, or stocks of drugs shall divulge suchknowledge, except in connection with a criminal investigation authorized bythe Attorney General or attorney for the Commonwealth or with a prosecutionor proceeding in court or before a regulatory board or officer, to whichinvestigation, prosecution or proceeding the person to whom suchprescriptions, papers or records relate is a subject or party. This sectionshall not be construed to prohibit the Board president or his designee andthe Director of the Department of Health Professions from discharging theirduties as provided in this title.
(Code 1950, § 54-512; 1970, c. 650; 1983, c. 528, § 54-524.58; 1988, cc. 266,765.)