§ 54.1-3414. Official orders for Schedule II drugs.
An official written order for any Schedule II drug shall be signed by thepurchasing licensee or by his agent. The original shall be presented to theperson who supplies the drug or drugs. If such person accepts the order, eachparty to the transaction shall preserve his copy of the order for two yearsin such a way as to be readily accessible for inspection by any publicofficer or employee engaged in the enforcement of this chapter. It shall bedeemed a compliance with this section if the parties to the transaction havecomplied with the federal laws respecting the requirements governing the useof order forms. Parties ordering Schedule II drugs electronically shallcomply with all requirements of federal law and regulation governing suchtransactions.
(Code 1950, § 54-493; 1970, c. 650, § 54-524.60; 1988, c. 765; 2006, c. 346.)