§ 54.1-3433. Certain advertising and signs unlawful.
It shall be unlawful for any place of business which is not a pharmacy asdefined in this chapter to advertise or to have upon it or in it as a signthe words, "pharmacy," "pharmacist," "apothecary," "drugstore,""druggist," "drugs," "medicine store," "drug sundries,""prescriptions filled" or any like words indicating that drugs arecompounded or sold or prescriptions filled. Each day during which suchadvertisement appears or such sign is allowed to remain upon or in such placeof business shall constitute a separate offense under this section. Uponconsultation with the Department of Historic Resources, the Board may grantan exception from this section for such signage on an historic building thatformerly housed a drugstore or pharmacy if that building is individuallylisted as a Virginia Historic Landmark, a contributing property in a VirginiaHistoric Landmark District, or determined to be eligible for listing by theDepartment of Historic Resources, provided that the signage relates to thehistoric character of the building.
(Code 1950, § 54-477; 1970, c. 650, § 54-524.49; 1988, c. 765; 2005, c. 97.)