§ 54.1-3434.4. Prohibited acts.
A. It is unlawful for any person or entity which is not registered under thisarticle to (i) conduct the business of shipping, mailing, or otherwisedelivering Schedule II through VI controlled substances into Virginia or (ii)advertise the availability for purchase of any Schedule II through VIcontrolled substances by any citizen of the Commonwealth. Further, it shallbe unlawful for any person who is a resident of Virginia to advertise thepharmacy services of a nonresident pharmacy which has not registered with theBoard, with the knowledge that the advertisement will or is likely to inducemembers of the public in the Commonwealth to use the pharmacy to obtaincontrolled substances.
B. Any controlled substance that is ordered or shipped in violation of anyprovision of this chapter, shall be considered as contraband and may beseized by any law-enforcement officer or any agent of the Board of Pharmacy.
(1990, c. 270; 2005, c. 115; 2008, cc. 79, 618.)