§ 54.1-3435. License to act as wholesale distributor; renewal; fee.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the wholesale distributionof prescription drugs in this Commonwealth without a valid unrevoked licenseissued by the Board. The applicant for licensure as a wholesale distributor,as defined in § 54.1-3401, in this Commonwealth shall apply to the Board fora license, using such forms as the Board may furnish; renew such licenseusing such forms as the Board may furnish, if granted, annually on a datedetermined by the Board in regulation; notify the Board within thirty days ofany substantive change in the information reported on the application formpreviously submitted to the Board; and remit a fee as determined by the Board.
The Board may promulgate such regulations relating to the storage, handling,and distribution of prescription drugs by wholesale distributors as it deemsnecessary to implement this section, to prevent diversion of prescriptiondrugs, and to protect the public.
(1970, c. 650, § 54-524.44; 1976, c. 614; 1980, c. 288; 1988, c. 765; 1992,c. 737; 2008, c. 320.)