§ 54.1-3435.2. Permit to act as medical equipment supplier; storage;limitation; regulations.
A. Unless otherwise authorized by this chapter or Chapter 33 (§ 54.1-3300 etseq.) of this title, it shall be unlawful for any person to act as a medicalequipment supplier, as defined in § 54.1-3401, in this Commonwealth without avalid unrevoked permit issued by the Board. The applicant for a permit to actas a medical equipment supplier in this Commonwealth shall apply to the Boardfor a permit, using such form as the Board may furnish; renew such permit, ifgranted, annually on a date determined by the Board in regulation; and remita fee as determined by the Board.
B. Prescription drugs received, stored, and distributed by authority of thissection shall be limited to those Schedule VI controlled substances with nomedicinal properties which are used for the operation and cleaning of medicalequipment and solutions for peritoneal dialysis.
C. Distribution of any Schedule VI drug or device or of any hypodermic needleor syringe, or medicinal oxygen by authority of this section is limited todelivery to the ultimate user upon lawful order by a prescriber authorized toprescribe such drugs and devices.
D. The Board may promulgate such regulations relating to the storage,handling, and distribution of prescription drugs, devices and controlledparaphernalia by medical equipment suppliers as it deems necessary toimplement this section, to prevent diversion of prescription drugs anddevices and controlled paraphernalia, and to protect the public.
(1992, c. 737; 1996, c. 408; 1997, c. 677; 2008, c. 320.)