§ 54.1-3435.4. Permit to act as warehouser; regulations.
A. Unless otherwise authorized by this chapter or Chapter 33 (§ 54.1-3300 etseq.) of this title, it shall be unlawful for any person to act as awarehouser, as defined in § 54.1-3401, in this Commonwealth without a validunrevoked permit issued by the Board. The applicant for a permit to act as awarehouser in this Commonwealth shall apply to the Board for a permit, usingsuch form as the Board may furnish; renew such permit, if granted, annuallyon a date determined by the Board in regulation; and remit a fee asdetermined by the Board.
B. The Board may promulgate such regulations relating to the storage,handling, and distribution of prescription drugs and devices by warehousersas it deems necessary to implement this section, to prevent diversion ofprescription drugs and devices, and to protect the public.
C. Warehousers shall allow the Board or its authorized agents to enter andinspect, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, their premises anddelivery vehicles, and to audit their records and written operatingprocedures. Such agents shall be required to show appropriate identificationprior to being permitted access to warehousers' premises and deliveryvehicles.
(1992, c. 737; 2008, c. 320.)