§ 54.1-3468. Conditions to dispensing device, item, or substance; records.
In dispensing any device, item or substance, the pharmacist or other licensedor permitted person referred to in § 54.1-3467 shall:
1. Require the person requesting such device, item or substance to furnishsuitable identification, including proof of age when appropriate;
2. Require the person requesting such item, device or substance to furnishwritten legitimate purposes for which such item, device or substance is beingpurchased, except in cases of telephone orders for such item, device orsubstance from customers of known good standing;
3. At the time of dispensing, make and keep a record showing the date ofdispensing, the name and quantity of the device, item or substance, the priceat which it was sold, the name and address of the person to whom the device,item or substance was dispensed, the reason for its purchase and enter hisinitials thereon.
No such devices, substances or items shall be sold or distributed to personsunder the age of sixteen years except by a physician for legitimate purposesor upon his prescription. Records shall be maintained pursuant to thischapter and the Board's regulations and shall be made available forinspection to any law-enforcement officer or agent of the Board. Personsviolating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor.
(1971, Ex. Sess., cc. 210, 245; 1988, c. 765.)