§ 54.1-3500. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Appraisal activities" means the exercise of professional judgment based onobservations and objective assessments of a client's behavior to evaluatecurrent functioning, diagnose, and select appropriate treatment required toremediate identified problems or to make appropriate referrals.
"Board" means the Board of Counseling.
"Certified substance abuse counseling assistant" means a person certifiedby the Board to practice in accordance with the provisions of § 54.1-3507.2.
"Certified substance abuse counselor" means a person certified by the Boardto practice in accordance with the provisions of § 54.1-3507.1.
"Counseling" means the therapeutic process of: (i) conducting assessmentsand diagnoses for the purpose of establishing treatment goals and objectivesand (ii) planning, implementing, and evaluating treatment plans usingtreatment interventions to facilitate human development and to identify andremediate mental, emotional or behavioral disorders and associated distresseswhich interfere with mental health.
"Counseling treatment intervention" means those cognitive, affective,behavioral and systemic counseling strategies, techniques and methods commonto the behavioral sciences that are specifically implemented in the contextof a therapeutic relationship. Other treatment interventions includedevelopmental counseling, guidance, and consulting to facilitate normalgrowth and development, including educational and career development.
"Licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner" means a person who: (i)is trained in and engages in the practice of substance abuse treatment withindividuals or groups of individuals suffering from the effects of substanceabuse or dependence, and in the prevention of substance abuse or dependence;and (ii) is licensed to provide advanced substance abuse treatment andindependent, direct and unsupervised treatment to such individuals or groupsof individuals, and to plan, evaluate, supervise, and direct substance abusetreatment provided by others.
"Marriage and family therapist" means a person trained in the assessmentand treatment of cognitive, affective, or behavioral mental and emotionaldisorders within the context of marriage and family systems through theapplication of therapeutic and family systems theories and techniques.
"Marriage and family therapy" means the assessment and treatment ofcognitive, affective, or behavioral mental and emotional disorders within thecontext of marriage and family systems through the application of therapeuticand family systems theories and techniques and delivery of services toindividuals, couples, and families, singularly or in groups, for the purposeof treating such disorders.
"Practice of counseling" means rendering or offering to render toindividuals, groups, organizations, or the general public any serviceinvolving the application of principles, methods or procedures of thecounseling profession, which shall include appraisal, counseling, andreferral activities.
"Practice of marriage and family therapy" means the assessment andtreatment of cognitive, affective, or behavioral mental and emotionaldisorders within the context of marriage and family systems through theapplication of therapeutic and family systems theories and techniques, whichshall include assessment, treatment, and referral activities.
"Practice of substance abuse treatment" means rendering or offering torender substance abuse treatment to individuals, groups, organizations, orthe general public.
"Professional counselor" means a person trained in counseling interventionsdesigned to facilitate an individual's achievement of human development goalsand remediating mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and associateddistresses which interfere with mental health and development.
"Referral activities" means the evaluation of data to identify problems andto determine advisability of referral to other specialists.
"Substance abuse" and "substance dependence" mean a maladaptive patternof substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress.
"Substance abuse treatment" means (i) the application of specificknowledge, skills, substance abuse treatment theory and substance abusetreatment techniques to define goals and develop a treatment plan of actionregarding substance abuse or dependence prevention, education or treatment inthe substance abuse or dependence recovery process and (ii) referrals tomedical, social services, psychological, psychiatric or legal resources whensuch referrals are indicated.
(1976, c. 608, §§ 54-924, 54-932; 1983, c. 115; 1986, cc. 64, 464; 1988, c.765; 1993, c. 342; 1995, c. 820; 1997, c. 901; 2000, c. 473; 2001, c. 460.)