§ 54.1-3505. Specific powers and duties of the Board.
In addition to the powers granted in § 54.1-2400, the Board shall have thefollowing specific powers and duties:
1. To cooperate with and maintain a close liaison with other professionalboards and the community to ensure that regulatory systems stay abreast ofcommunity and professional needs.
2. To conduct inspections to ensure that licensees conduct their practices ina competent manner and in conformance with the relevant regulations.
3. To designate specialties within the profession.
4. To administer the certification of rehabilitation providers pursuant toArticle 2 (§ 54.1-3510 et seq.) of this chapter, including prescribing feesfor application processing, examinations, certification and certificationrenewal.
5. Expired.
6. To promulgate regulations for the qualifications, education, andexperience for licensure of marriage and family therapists. The requirementsfor clinical membership in the American Association for Marriage and FamilyTherapy (AAMFT), and the professional examination service's national marriageand family therapy examination may be considered by the Board in thepromulgation of these regulations. The educational credit hour, clinicalexperience hour, and clinical supervision hour requirements for marriage andfamily therapists shall not be less than the educational credit hour,clinical experience hour, and clinical supervision hour requirements forprofessional counselors.
7. To promulgate, subject to the requirements of Article 1.1 (§ 54.1-3507 etseq.) of this chapter, regulations for the qualifications, education, andexperience for licensure of licensed substance abuse treatment practitionersand certification of certified substance abuse counselors and certifiedsubstance abuse counseling assistants. The requirements for membership inNAADAC: the Association for Addiction Professionals and its nationalexamination may be considered by the Board in the promulgation of theseregulations. The Board also may provide for the consideration and use of theaccreditation and examination services offered by the Substance AbuseCertification Alliance of Virginia. The educational credit hour, clinicalexperience hour, and clinical supervision hour requirements for licensedsubstance abuse treatment practitioners shall not be less than theeducational credit hour, clinical experience hour, and clinical supervisionhour requirements for licensed professional counselors. Such regulations alsoshall establish standards and protocols for the clinical supervision ofcertified substance abuse counselors and the supervision or direction ofcertified substance abuse counseling assistants, and reasonable access to thepersons providing that supervision or direction in settings other than alicensed facility.
(1976, c. 608, §§ 54-929, 54-931; 1983, c. 115; 1986, cc. 64, 100, 464; 1988,c. 765; 1994, cc. 558, 778; 1995, c. 820; 1997, c. 901; 2001, c. 460.)