§ 54.1-3507. Scope of practice of and qualifications for licensed substanceabuse treatment practitioners.
A. A licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner shall be qualified to(i) perform on an independent basis the substance abuse treatment functionsof screening, intake, orientation, assessment, treatment planning, treatment,case management, substance abuse or dependence crisis intervention, clienteducation, referral activities, recordkeeping, and consultation with otherprofessionals; (ii) exercise independent professional judgment, based onobservations and objective assessments of a client's behavior, to evaluatecurrent functioning, to diagnose and select appropriate remedial treatmentfor identified problems, and to make appropriate referrals; and (iii)supervise, direct and instruct others who provide substance abuse treatment.
B. Pursuant to regulations adopted by the Board, an applicant for a licenseas a licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner shall submit evidencesatisfactory to the Board that the applicant has (i) completed a specifiednumber of hours of graduate studies, including a specified number of didacticsubstance abuse education courses at, and has received a master's degree insubstance abuse or a substantially equivalent master's degree from, a collegeor university accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Board;and (ii) completed a specified number of hours of experience involving thepractice of substance abuse treatment supervised by a licensed substanceabuse treatment practitioner, or by any other mental health professionallicensed by the Department, such number of hours being greater than thenumber of hours required of a certified substance abuse counseling assistant.The applicant shall also pass an examination, as required by the Board.
(1997, c. 901; 2001, c. 460.)