§ 54.1-3507.1. Scope of practice, supervision, and qualifications ofcertified substance abuse counselors.
A. A certified substance abuse counselor shall be (i) qualified to perform,under appropriate supervision or direction, the substance abuse treatmentfunctions of screening, intake, orientation, the administration of substanceabuse assessment instruments, recovery and relapse prevention planning,substance abuse treatment, case management, substance abuse or dependencecrisis intervention, client education, referral activities, record keeping,and consultation with other professionals; (ii) qualified to be responsiblefor client care of persons with a primary diagnosis of substance abuse ordependence; and (iii) qualified to supervise, direct and instruct certifiedsubstance abuse counseling assistants. Certified substance abuse counselorsshall not engage in independent or autonomous practice.
B. Such counselor shall also be clinically supervised or directed by alicensed substance abuse treatment practitioner, or any other mental healthprofessional licensed by the Department, or, in an exempt setting asdescribed in § 54.1-3501, another person with substantially equivalenteducation, training, and experience, or such counselor shall be in compliancewith the supervision requirements of a licensed facility.
C. Pursuant to regulations adopted by the Board, an applicant forcertification as a substance abuse counselor shall submit evidencesatisfactory to the Board that the applicant has (i) completed a specifiednumber of hours of didactic substance abuse education courses in a program orprograms recognized or approved by the Board and received a bachelor's degreefrom a college or university accredited by an accrediting agency recognizedby the Board; and (ii) accumulated a specified number of hours of experienceinvolving the practice of substance abuse treatment while supervised by alicensed substance abuse treatment practitioner, or by any other mentalhealth professional licensed by the Department, or by a certified substanceabuse counselor who shall submit evidence satisfactory to the Board ofclinical supervision qualifications pursuant to regulations adopted by theBoard, such number of hours being greater than the number of hours requiredof a certified substance abuse counseling assistant. The applicant shall alsopass an examination as required by the Board.
(2001, c. 460.)