§ 54.1-3507.2. Scope of practice, supervision, and qualifications ofcertified substance abuse counseling assistants.
A. A certified substance abuse counseling assistant shall be qualified toperform, under appropriate supervision or direction, the substance abusetreatment functions of orientation, implementation of substance abusetreatment plans, case management, substance abuse or dependence crisisintervention, record keeping, and consultation with other professionals.Certified substance abuse counseling assistants may participate in recoverygroup discussions, but shall not engage in counseling with either individualsor groups or engage in independent or autonomous practice.
B. Such certified substance abuse counseling assistant shall be supervised ordirected either by a licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner, or byany other mental health professional licensed by the Department, or by acertified substance abuse counselor, or, in an exempt setting as described in§ 54.1-3501, another person with substantially equivalent education,training, and experience, or such counseling assistant shall be in compliancewith the supervision requirements of a licensed facility.
C. Pursuant to regulations adopted by the Board, an applicant forcertification as a certified substance abuse counseling assistant shallsubmit evidence satisfactory to the Board that the applicant has (i) receiveda high school diploma or its equivalent, (ii) completed a specified number ofhours of didactic substance abuse education in a program or programsrecognized or approved by the Board, and (iii) accumulated a specified numberof hours of experience and completed a practicum or an internship involvingsubstance abuse treatment, supervised either by a licensed substance abusetreatment practitioner, or by any other mental health professional licensedby the Department, or by a certified substance abuse counselor. The applicantshall also pass an examination, as required by the Board.
(2001, c. 460.)