§ 54.1-3605. Powers and duties of the Board.
In addition to the powers granted in other provisions of this title, theBoard shall have the following specific powers and duties:
1. To cooperate with and maintain a close liaison with other professionalboards and the community to ensure that regulatory systems stay abreast ofcommunity and professional needs.
2. To conduct inspections to ensure that licensees conduct their practices ina competent manner and in conformance with the relevant regulations.
3. To designate specialties within the profession.
4. To issue a temporary license for such periods as the Board may prescribeto practice psychology to persons who are engaged in a residency or pursuantto subdivision 7 of § 54.1-3601.
5. To promulgate regulations for the voluntary certification of licensees assex offender treatment providers.
6. To administer the mandatory certification of sex offender treatmentproviders for those professionals who are otherwise exempt from licensureunder subdivision 4 of §§ 54.1-3501, 54.1-3601 or § 54.1-3701 and topromulgate regulations governing such mandatory certification. Theregulations shall include provisions for fees for application processing,certification qualifications, certification issuance and renewal anddisciplinary action.
7. To promulgate regulations establishing the requirements for licensure ofclinical psychologists that shall include appropriate emphasis in thediagnosis and treatment of persons with moderate and severe mental disorders.
(1976, c. 608, §§ 54-929, 54-931; 1983, c. 115; 1986, cc. 64, 100, 464; 1988,c. 765; 1993, c. 767; 1994, c. 778; 1996, cc. 937, 980; 1997, c. 556; 1999,c. 630; 2001, cc. 186, 198; 2004, c. 11.)