§ 54.1-3701. Exemption from requirements of licensure.
The requirements for licensure provided for in this chapter shall not beapplicable to:
1. Persons who render services that are like or similar to those fallingwithin the scope of the classifications or categories in this chapter, solong as the recipients or beneficiaries of such services are not subject toany charge or fee, or any financial requirement, actual or implied, and theperson rendering such service is not held out, by himself or otherwise, as alicensed practitioner.
2. The activities or services of a student pursuing a course of study insocial work in an institution recognized by the Board for purposes oflicensure upon completion of the course of study or under the supervision ofa practitioner licensed under this chapter; if such activities or servicesconstitute a part of his course of study and are adequately supervised.
3. The activities of rabbis, priests, ministers or clergymen of any religiousdenomination or sect when such activities are within the scope of theperformance of their regular or specialized ministerial duties, and noseparate charge is made or when such activities are performed, whether withor without charge, for or under auspices or sponsorship, individually or inconjunction with others, of an established and legally cognizable church,denomination or sect, and the person rendering service remains accountable toits established authority.
4. Persons employed as salaried employees or volunteers of the federalgovernment, the Commonwealth, a locality, or of any agency established orfunded, in whole or part, by any such governmental entity or of a private,nonprofit organization or agency sponsored or funded, in whole or part, by acommunity-based citizen group or organization. Any person who renderspsychological services, as defined in Chapter 36 (§ 54.1-3600 et seq.) ofthis title, shall be subject to the requirements of that chapter. Any personwho, in addition to the above enumerated employment, engages in anindependent private practice shall not be exempt from the requirements forlicensure.
5. Persons regularly employed by private business firms as personnelmanagers, deputies or assistants so long as their counseling activitiesrelate only to employees of their employer and in respect to their employment.
(1976, c. 608, § 54-944; 1986, c. 581; 1988, c. 765.)