§ 54.1-3806.1. Disclosure forms required.
Any animal medical care facility in the Commonwealth, excluding thosefacilities dealing with livestock, as defined in § 3.2-5900, which does notprovide continuous medical care for all animals left in its charge shall,before taking charge of an animal, provide the client or agent thereof with adisclosure form which specifies the hours and days when continuous medicalcare is not available at the facility. Such form shall be separate and apartfrom any other form or information provided by the facility. Except inemergency situations when time or circumstances do not permit, suchfacilities may take charge of an animal only after the client or agentthereof has signed the disclosure form and returned it to the facility. Onlyone signed form per client shall be required, and the form shall be kept onfile by the facility.
(1991, c. 621; 1998, c. 158.)