§ 54.1-3813. Registration of equine dental technicians.
A. As used in this section, "equine dental technician" means an individualwho satisfies the criteria established by the Board for registration toperform duties relating to the care and maintenance of equine teeth inaccordance with this section and regulations promulgated by the Board. Alicensed veterinary technician shall practice in accordance with therequirements of § 54.1-3806 and regulations of the Board governing thepractice of licensed veterinary technicians.
B. The Board may register a person as an equine dental technician who meetsthe following criteria: (i) satisfactory evidence that he is of good moralcharacter, (ii) recommendations from at least two licensed veterinarians withpractice bases that are at least 50 percent equine, and (iii) evidence thathe holds current certification from the International Association of EquineDentistry or a Board-approved certification program or has satisfactorilycompleted a Board-approved training program. The Board may registerindividuals who have not completed a Board-approved training program or donot hold a current certification from the International Association of EquineDentistry or a Board-approved certification program if they have engaged inacts considered to be those of an equine dental technician as set forth insubsections C and E of this section for at least five years and provide thefollowing: (i) satisfactory evidence of length of time of practice, (ii)recommendations from at least two licensed veterinarians with practice basesthat are at least 50 percent equine, and (iii) proof of continued competencysatisfactory to the Board.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person not holding a current and validregistration as an equine dental technician or a current and valid license asa veterinarian to perform the following duties:
1. The planing or leveling of equine teeth using nonmotorized hand tools forroutine dental maintenance;
2. The planing or leveling of equine teeth using motorized tools performedfor routine dental maintenance, or the extraction of wolf teeth premolarsincluding premolars 105, 205, 305 and 405, performed under the directsupervision of a licensed veterinarian where (a) there exists an establishedclient-patient relationship between the veterinarian and the owner, (b) theveterinarian is present, and (c) the veterinarian remains responsible for thesedation of the animal; and
3. Any other task restricted pursuant to regulations promulgated by the Board.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no equine dental technician shall administerany sedative, tranquilizer, analgesic, prescription medication, or other drugunder any circumstances.
D. The provisions of this section shall not prevent or prohibit:
1. Any person from performing tasks related to the practice of equinedentistry under the direct and immediate supervision of a licensedveterinarian or registered equine dental technician during completion oftraining and experience necessary for registration for a period not to exceedtwelve months; or
2. A licensed veterinary technician from planing or leveling equine teeth forroutine dental maintenance under the immediate and direct supervision of alicensed veterinarian, provided the licensed veterinary technician hasgraduated from an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited programwith successful completion of coursework in equine dentistry or can documenttraining comparable to that of an equine dental technician.
E. The Board shall promulgate regulations in order to carry out theprovisions of this section, which shall include (i) criteria and fees forapplication and renewal; (ii) requirements for evidence of continuedcompetency for equine dental technicians; and (iii) standards to ensure thehealth, safety, and welfare of animals treated by equine dental technicians.
(2007, c. 754; 2008, c. 490.)