§ 54.1-3910. Organization and government of Virginia State Bar.
The Supreme Court may promulgate rules and regulations organizing andgoverning the Virginia State Bar. The Virginia State Bar shall act as anadministrative agency of the Court for the purpose of investigating andreporting violations of rules and regulations adopted by the Court under thisarticle. All advisory opinions issued by the Virginia State Bar's StandingCommittees on Legal Ethics, Lawyer Advertising and Solicitation, andUnauthorized Practice of Law shall be incorporated into the Code of Virginiapursuant to § 30-154. All persons engaged in the practice of law in theCommonwealth shall be active members in good standing of the Virginia StateBar.
(Code 1950, § 54-49; 1974, c. 536; 1991, c. 564; 2002, c. 306.)