§ 54.1-3938.1. Subpoena issued pursuant to law of another jurisdiction.
Whenever a subpoena is sought in this Commonwealth pursuant to the laws ofanother jurisdiction for use in lawyer discipline or disability proceedings,and where the request for the subpoena has been duly approved under the lawsof the other jurisdiction, the chair or a vice-chair of the Virginia StateBar Disciplinary Board, upon receiving an application from Bar Counsel, mayissue a subpoena as provided in this section to compel the attendance ofwitnesses and production of documents in the county or city in theCommonwealth where the witness resides or is employed or elsewhere as agreedby the witness. The circuit courts shall have the power to enforce a subpoenaissued pursuant to this section and to adjudge disobedience thereof ascontempt. The privilege extended by this section shall be available only tothose jurisdictions that extend a similar privilege for disciplinaryproceedings in this Commonwealth.
(2000, cc. 24, 188.)