§ 54.1-3939. Definitions.
As used in this article:
"Agent" means any person who acts for another with or without compensationat the request, or with the knowledge and acquiescence, of the other indealing with third persons.
"Runner" or "capper" means any person acting within the Commonwealth asan agent for an attorney in the solicitation of professional employment forthe attorney.
"Solicitation of professional employment" means obtaining or attempting toobtain, for an attorney, the opportunity to represent or render other legalservices to another person, for which services the attorney will or mayreceive compensation. Solicitation of professional employment shall notinclude conduct (i) limited to mere statements of opinion respecting theability of an attorney, (ii) pursuant to a uniform legal aid or lawyerreferral plan approved by the Virginia State Bar or (iii) pursuant to anyqualified legal services plan or contract of legal services insurance.
(Code 1950, § 54-78; 1956, Ex. Sess., c. 33; 1964, c. 622, §§ 54-83.1:1,54-83.1:2; 1988, c. 765.)