§ 54.1-3943. Injunction against running, capping and soliciting.
The attorney for the Commonwealth, or any person, firm or corporation againstwhom any cause of action is or has been asserted, may maintain a suit for aninjunction against any attorney who has induced another to solicit orencourage his employment, or against any person, firm, partnership orcorporation which has acted for another in the capacity of a runner orcapper, or against any person engaged by an attorney to solicit employmentfor the attorney, whether or not the solicitation was successful. The courtmay enjoin and permanently restrain such person, his agents, representativesand principals from soliciting any such claims against any person, firm orcorporation subsequent to the date of the injunction.
(1954, c. 707, § 54-83.1; 1988, c. 765.)